The Simple and Effective Ways to Follow Up After a Tech Interview

The Simple and Effective Ways to Follow Up After a Tech Interview

Getting the ideal tech role often involves a lot of patience. You need to regularly check job listings, interact with your tech recruitment company to discover new opportunities that match your skills, and constantly write new cover letters and CV.

When you finally land an interview, the chances are you’ll be eager to hear back from your potential employer as quickly as possible. While there’s not a lot you can do to accelerate the company’s hiring decisions, following up with a hiring manager or recruitment team can be beneficial.

The right approach to the “follow-up” phase helps to convey your passion and interest in the job you’ve applied for. It also lets you keep employers updated about your situation and demonstrate your soft skills (such as excellent communication).

The key to success is knowing how, when, and why to follow up effectively.

There’s a right and wrong way to follow up after a tech job interview. Contacting a company too frequently could make you seem overly eager (and pushy), which might harm your chances of getting the role you want.

However, failing to follow up completely could make you seem disinterested or less memorable to your interviewer.

The best way to approach the follow-up process is to set the foundations at the end of your interview. Ask the interviewer when you can expect to hear back from them about the next steps and if they have any specific preferences about how you should contact them.

Using this information, you can effectively navigate the following three methods of following up after your job interview.

The Power of Thank-You Notes

The thank-you note is the one message you can send to every interviewer immediately after your tech job interview. It doesn’t ask them for an immediate decision or push them for more information; it simply shows you’re grateful to have an opportunity.

Typically, sending this note between 24 and 48 hours after the interview is a good idea.

You can send your thank-you note via email, text, or social media, or even leave a voicemail (depending on your interviewer’s preferences).

Whichever method you choose, keep the note short and sweet. Express gratitude and mention one specific thing about the interview that resonated with you, reinforcing your enthusiasm for the tech role.

You can also use this opportunity to highlight why you think you’re a good fit for the role. For instance, if you were excited to hear about the company embracing more tech, mention that and note how you’re currently experimenting with innovative solutions yourself.

What to Include In Your Follow-Up Email or Message

If you’re sending a follow-up email or message, keep things straight to the point. If you send an email, include a specific subject line, such as: “John Smith: Re: Interview on April 5th, 2 pm”.

Start the email by using your interviewer’s name and reminding them of your name: “Hello Jane, this is John Smith; we spoke on [Date, time]”.

Again, keep this note short and straight to the point. The content should be similar to your thank-you note, expressing your interest and excitement about the role. It might help to reference something you’ve recently heard about the company or industry. For instance, you could congratulate the team for winning a recent award.

Ask if there’s any additional information you might be able to provide that could help the company’s hiring decision, and let them know you’re looking forward to hearing from them.

Follow-Up Etiquette

Knowing how to follow up effectively after a tech job interview is a great way to demonstrate your passion for a role and excitement about a job. However, it’s important to use the right approach. Here are the three things you should focus on:

Getting the Timing Right

While you can immediately contact a hiring manager with a thank-you note, you shouldn’t ask for information about their decision too quickly. Nor should you constantly bombard them with endless messages. Follow up once after the date your hiring manager gives you, indicating when they’ll be making their hiring decision, and then wait.

The only time to avoid this rule or reach out earlier than the date is when something changes in your situation. For instance, you can inform your hiring manager if you get an offer from another tech company or acquire a new certification.

The Content and Tone

Regardless of what happened in your interview, always thank the hiring manager for the opportunity when sending follow-up messages. Expressing your passion and excitement about the tech role is also important. Be professional, friendly and enthusiastic with your tone of voice. Remember to reference the interviewer by name, too.

Personalising the Message

When following up with an interviewer, take a personalised approach. Call the interviewer by name and reference specific things in the interview. Hopefully, you will have taken notes throughout the interview, so you’ll know what to mention.

Follow Up on Your Tech Interview the Right Way

Mastering the art of tech interview can significantly improve your chances of getting the role you want and pave the foundations for a positive relationship with the leadership team in your new company.

Knowing when and how to send a thank-you note, follow-up message, and feedback request will help you navigate the post-interview phase professionally and confidently.

If you’re looking for help with your recruitment strategy, get in touch by calling James Shenton Managing Partner for Technology on 01580 857179 or send us an email here.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

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The Key To Marketing Yourself As The Ideal DevOps Engineer

The Key To Marketing Yourself As The Ideal DevOps Engineer

Though skill shortages remain high in the DevOps landscape, the market for candidates is still extremely competitive. In 2024, it can take an average of 3-6 months to get a job offer, and there’s no guarantee you’ll want to dive into the first opportunity that appears.

To improve your chances of getting job offers for valuable roles faster, you need to know how to market yourself to prospective employers and recruiters who are involved in the process.

Here is the thing to remember.

As effective marketing can convince consumers to invest in a product or service, the right strategy can help employers see you as the ideal candidate.

From working with a recruitment company to developing a strong personal brand, this guide will show you how to create the ultimate ‘marketing strategy’ and achieve your DevOps career goals.

Partnering with Recruiters: The Value of Specialist Support

The right tech recruitment team is an extremely valuable tool in your goal of getting the ideal next role. Reputable companies with experience placing candidates in your field will help you access a wider range of relevant job opportunities.

What’s more, they can help position you effectively in front of potential employers, allowing you to write the ideal CV and master the interview process.

When working with recruiters, make sure you:

  • Set clear objectives: Define your priorities for a new role. Are you more interested in positions with excellent work/life balance and flexibility, or are you looking for opportunities to develop new skills or join a company with a diverse culture?
  • Build relationships: Connect with your recruiter and help them understand everything there is to know about you. Highlight your strengths and weaknesses, skills, experiences, and career goals so they can offer a tailored level of service.
  • Collaborate strategically: Pay attention to the suggestions and guidance your recruiters give. Ask them for advice on preparing for interviews or creating a stronger online presence.

Developing Your Personal Brand

Your brand helps differentiate you from the other DevOps candidates in your field. It’s how you highlight your strengths and value as an employee and capture the attention of employers. 70% of hiring managers say a strong personal brand is as important as an excellent CV.

Creating a personal brand starts with a self-assessment.

Conduct a “SWOT” analysis, identifying your strengths and where you need to improve. Look at the threats posed by other candidates in you’re the DevOps industry (such as having more experience) and the opportunities you can explore to improve your appeal (such as investing in additional learning).

Once you have a clear view then:

Identify your unique value proposition:

Determine what makes you the ideal candidate for the roles you’re applying for. Have you had unique experiences in the industry? Do you have skills other candidates don’t have, or do you have an excellent work ethic?

Craft your story:

Develop a compelling narrative or “personal branding statement” that communicates your professional journey. Highlight accomplishments, aspirations, and key experiences that you’ve had to demonstrate your value.

Preserve consistency:

Ensure your brand identity is consistent across all platforms, from your CV, to your LinkedIn profile, other social media accounts, and professional website or portfolio. Use consistent messaging, imagery, and language.

Conducting Research: Know the Skills Employers Want Right Now

A big part of effective marketing is knowing your target audience. You need to understand what DevOps employers are looking for so you know what to highlight in your CV and online profiles. Start by examining job postings listed by the types of companies you want to work for, paying close attention to the skills and attributes they value.

Next, consider the current trends in the DevOps hiring market and the transferrable skills countless employers are searching for. In 2024, for instance, there’s a growing demand for:

Digital literacy and technological proficiency:

The world is becoming more technologically advanced with new software, AI solutions and hardware. However, only 1 in 10 workers possess the digital skills they need to thrive in new roles. Demonstrating a high level of digital literacy can give you an excellent advantage.

Adaptability and flexibility:

In a complex economic landscape, employers want professionals who are resilient, adaptable, and able to pivot to rapid changes in market dynamics. Show employers how you’ve overcome and adapted to previous challenges, and demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Emotional intelligence:

Though technical skills are crucial in many tech roles, soft skills, like emotional intelligence and resilience, are becoming more important. Demonstrating a high self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to communicate and collaborate with others will boost your chances of success in the current market.

Optimising Your CV

Once you’ve conducted the right research, it’s time to optimise your CV and the cover letter you send to potential employers. Crucially, every CV and cover letter you send should be tailored to the specific employer and role you’re applying for.

According to data from Glassdoor, 63% of recruiters say they prioritise CVs personalised for the role. Before applying for anything, research the company you want to work for. Look carefully at the job description and the employer’s highlighted skills and attributes.

Try to match their language and focus on demonstrating the key skills that showcase your capacity to excel in the role. Additionally, make sure you:

Quantify your achievements:

Provide concrete examples of your success in similar roles. Use numbers, metrics, percentages, and statistics to validate your impact.

Format carefully:

Keep your CV clear, visually appealing, and concise. Make sure it will be accepted by any company using ATS software.

Add a personal touch:

Implement a personal touch to your cover letter. Consider referencing shared values based on your knowledge about the company and their ambitions or goals.

Enhancing Your Online Presence

While your CV and cover letter are still crucial in 2024, many recruiters and hiring managers are turning to the web for deeper insights into candidates. Approximately 72% of recruiters look at LinkedIn, the professional social media platform when hiring new talent.

With this in mind, complete and optimise your LinkedIn profile. Ensure a clear summary of your achievements, insights into your experience, education, and skills, and numerous endorsements from previous employers and colleagues. Use keywords relevant to DevOps to improve visibility online. You should also:

Share engaging content:

Sharing insightful articles, industry news, professional updates, and thought leadership content could demonstrate your expertise and help you engage in your network. Remember to participate in professional networks and groups to expand your reach and connect with potential employers.

Network consistently:

Actively connect with professionals and peers in you’re the space, such as recruiters, and alumni. Personalise your connection requests with a message tailored to each person. Consider attending virtual events through LinkedIn to expand your network further.

Align other online assets:

Ensure you’re making the most of your other online assets, such as your portfolio, professional website, and additional social media channels, to present a consistently strong view of your value as an employee.

Demonstrating continuous learning by adding new skills to your LinkedIn profile regularly and completing LinkedIn courses for certifications can also make you more appealing to employers.

Market Yourself as the Ultimate DevOps Candidate

For the best chance of getting the right role in today’s competitive DevOps landscape, you must do more than respond to job postings. Learning how to market yourself as the ultimate candidate with the right CV, personal brand, and online presence is crucial to success.

Working with a tech recruiter and ensuring you focus on developing your skills in the key areas crucial to today’s employers will give you a significant edge in the job market.

Give yourself the best chance of career success, and hone your marketing skills.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

For more information get in touch with us at, 01580 857179 or send us an email here.

Maximising Success with Talent Pipeline in SaaS Recruitment

Talent pipelines aren’t new in the SaaS recruitment landscape. For years, they’ve offered employers an opportunity to streamline and enhance the hiring process, fill talent gaps, and minimise business disruptions.

In 2024, however, the demand for effective talent pipelines is greater than ever.

Cultivating and building a strong talent pipeline allows SaaS-focused businesses to access talented candidates faster while strengthening your employer brand and improving the quality of the professionals you drive to your business.

Here’s what you need to know about the evolution of talent pipelines in 2024.

What Are Talent Pipelines?

Broadly, a talent pipeline is a pool of candidates ready to fill existing or future positions in your SaaS organisation.

These candidates can include existing employees, who may be able to move into more demanding positions with the right training and succession plans.

It can also include individuals who have shown interest in working with your business in the past, as well as “passive” candidates who are not currently searching for a new role but are open to exploring opportunities in the future.

Building a talent pipeline can be more complex than it seems and involves more than just collecting C.V.s from potential candidates.

Business leaders must also proactively search for and source new talent consistently and engage with potential hires.

The talent pipelining process includes the following:

  • Sourcing: Proactively seeking candidates through various environments and channels, from social media platforms like LinkedIn to job fairs, using search and recruitment companies and events.
  • Attracting: Drawing candidates to your business with effective employer branding, compelling job descriptions, and an engaging employee value proposition.
  • Engaging: Nurturing relationships with candidates through consistent communication, support, and insights into emerging opportunities.
  • Evaluating: Examining each candidate’s potential to fill both current roles and potential positions that may emerge in the future.
  • Hiring: Inspiring candidates with compelling job offers when opportunities become available, often with the help of a recruitment team.

The Role of Recruiters in Building Talent Pipelines

Building and maintaining comprehensive talent pipelines is often a time-consuming process. The right strategy requires finding diverse talent opportunities, demonstrating an exceptional employer brand, and nurturing long-lasting relationships.

In today’s skills-short landscape, where competition for professionals in the SaaS industry is fierce and employee priorities are evolving, building a talent pipeline is harder than ever.

62% of H.R. professionals say their organisation’s talent pipeline isn’t robust enough.

Fortunately, recruiters can offer employers a crucial competitive edge. The right recruitment and staffing company can open the door to a wider talent pool, leveraging pre-existing relationships with talent in your industry and implementing innovative sourcing techniques.

Recruiters can help enhance your employer brand and proactively attract new candidates.

They can assist with crafting engaging employee value propositions and writing compelling job descriptions.

Plus, recruiters’ executives can be essential in enhancing the candidate experience and nurturing potential talent with frequent communication and updates.

How To Build Your Talent Pipeline in 2024

Working with a tech recruitment team is the best way to develop and optimise a robust talent pipeline in 2024.

However, ensuring you have a strategy that delivers results and addresses the challenges and roadblocks today’s employers face is vital.

1.    Identify Current and Potential Skill Gaps

The first step in developing a stronger SaaS talent pipeline for 2024 is identifying your recruitment needs.

Crucially, it’s not enough to focus on the skills and talents crucial to your business today but also the gaps you may need to fill in the future.

Make a list of essential staff members in your organisation and their characteristics.

Ask yourself how you’ll deal with these team members leaving your company. Do you already have succession plans in place? If so, how will they impact your future recruitment strategy?

Next, consider the trends and innovations affecting your business and how they might affect the candidates you need to source. For instance, in 2024, many employers will search for candidates well-versed in generative A.I. and automation tools.

2.    Recognise Current Recruitment Challenges

Recruitment in 2024 is growing more complex. Skill shortages remain a significant issue in every industry, creating high levels of competition for top talent.

As of 2024, companies of all sizes continue to struggle to fill skill gaps. At the same time, increasing demand for things like flexible work and empathy in the workplace are leading to more discerning candidates with higher expectations.

These factors, combined with an increasing need for digital literacy in every role, wage demands, and more, have a major impact on recruitment strategies.

Understanding the challenges, you may face in 2024 should help you craft a hiring plan that boosts your chances of reaching the right talent this year.

It could also be crucial to ensure you can source the right level of support from the recruitment partner you choose to work with.

3.    Explore New Talent Sourcing Methods

Once you’ve identified the skills you need from your SaaS talent and the challenges you’re likely to face, the next step is to explore various talent-sourcing methods available to you, including employee referrals.

Recruitment agencies will also be able to help you with this by offering access to in-depth market knowledge, market mapping services, and a professional network of passive candidates that are not active on job boards and social media.

Often these types of candidates can be missed by internal talent teams.

4.    Invest in Attracting and Engaging Candidates

Since finding candidates for your talent pipeline can be one of the biggest recruitment challenges you’ll face this year, finding ways to attract professionals to you is extremely important.

This starts with creating an employer brand that drives awareness of your business’s unique benefits, from a focus on diversity and inclusion to development opportunities.

A Google search on “how important is employer branding to candidates” generates 76 million results, so a company’s reputation is certainly at the front of a candidate’s mind.

For employers, this means it’s important to keep a close eye on the message you’re sending about your company culture and the work experience you can offer.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at your job descriptions. Make sure they’re compelling, inclusive, and informative. Avoid any language that might show unconscious bias and draw attention to the reasons candidates should want to work with your business.

5.    Commit to Building Stronger Relationships

A significant part of building strong talent pipelines in 2024 is building and maintaining relationships with the right candidates. You’ll need to ensure you have a strong connection with the talent you source to convince them to join your team at the right moment.

According to some reports, it can take up to 8 connections with a company for a person to form an opinion about them. This means you’ll need to regularly connect with your talent pipeline and share insights into your company culture and evolving organisation.

Technology can help with this. For instance, you can use A.I. and automation to craft personalised messages to send to your candidates weekly or monthly.

Sharing value-added content that supports their role and future career development will be received while your tech recruitment team can reach out proactively to help nurture relationships.

6.    Leverage Technology with Care

Speaking of technology, artificial intelligence is beginning to play a more significant role in developing talent pipelines and the SaaS recruitment strategy. Around 66% of recruiters use some form of A.I. technology to help enhance hiring processes.

However, while these tools can speed up processes, simplify tasks like writing job descriptions, and even assist with candidate screening, they have limitations. Bias and inaccuracies can emerge from an over-reliance on automated tools.

Business leaders must keep people in the loop within the recruitment process and watch for potential issues to avoid reputational damage. Don’t expect to transform recruitment into a fully automated strategy.

The Benefits of Building Stronger Talent Pipelines

Effective talent pipelines are more important than ever to today’s tech employers. The right strategy can significantly improve the efficiency of your recruitment process, reducing the time it takes to fill positions and attract new candidates.

Having systems in place that allow you to hire the “ideal” candidate the first time increases retention rates and reduces the cost of poor hires.

A good talent pipeline improves the quality of your hires, enhances long-term workforce planning, and minimises possible risks.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.


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