6 Clever Interview Techniques for Screening HCM Consultants

6 Clever Interview Techniques for Screening and Hiring HCM Consultants

1.    Review Your Company Mission and Vision

​Companies with the strongest culture attract and hire the best HCM Consultants; it’s a fact.

Reviewing your company vision and mission might be a case of refreshing your memory of the values and attributes that your business aspires to, but it could also be a case of rewriting them entirely.

Since the pandemic and the shake-up to businesses that this caused, many companies are finding that their mission and vision has changed – is this true in your business?

For example, in some organisations, communication between employees in the form of weekly in-person meetings might have once been an essential part of their business strategy. But since the role of remote working, this is no longer the case.

The first thing to do before the interview process starts is to review your company vision and mission statement for our post-pandemic world.

2.    Get Familiar with the Job description

​In an ideal world, you will have written the job description yourself and inherently understand what you need from your new hire, but this is not always the case.

In larger companies, there can be several people involved in the recruitment process for hiring HCM Consultants, so it is essential that everyone involved is aware of what you are looking for in your new IT role and that this is communicated to candidates at every stage.

Especially now in our ever-changing world, the position that you are hiring for might be an entirely new role for the company – do you know the exact skills and attributes that you are looking for?

3.    Work to a Method

​Interviewing candidates can be an emotionally-charged experience for both the employee and the employer.

Many interviewers by-pass red flags in the interview and go with their ‘gut feeling’ – but this is not the best way to hire the right talent for your business.

For every interview to have the best outcome, you must work to a method and stick to it. This means:​

  • Choose your questions carefully and don’t deviate. You can ask extra questions that might crop up in your mind at the end of the planned questions – this gives all candidates a fair interview.
  • Practice your note-taking – taking accurate notes is an essential quality for all interviewers to have.
  • Use a scale to rate candidate answers – you can give a score out of 10, or use ‘excellent’ to ‘poor’ at the end of each answer to remind you when you are looking back over your notes.

4.    Be Compassionate

​Interviews can be daunting, and this is something that interviewers and hiring managers can become desensitised to, especially if they have a lot of experience conducting interviews.

Showing compassion and consideration instead of the stony managerial tone some interviewers adopt will benefit both the employee and yourself.

Candidates perform much better in interviews when they feel at ease, and so making sure they feel relaxed is a great way of seeing the real candidate and allowing their best self to shine through.

So, don’t be continually testing the candidate or focusing on negativity and flaws to try and catch them out. Keep it positive, even if you plan on asking the dreaded ‘what’s your greatest weakness?’ question (we will look at interview questions in the next section).

Take your time, and allow the candidate to take theirs – allow enough time for a good conversation, don’t aim to get them in and out in 20 minutes.

And finally – smile!

5.    Get Your Questions Right

​There are certain interview question stereotypes, which it is best to avoid if you want better interview outcomes.

There are standard questions that many interviewers ask, such as ‘what will you bring to the role’, ‘tell us what you know about our company’ and of course, ‘what is your greatest weakness’.

But for an outstanding interview, there are some questions to introduce, which can give impressive results.

Try asking the candidate to explain a passion of theirs to you – it can be work-related or not. As this will allow them to demonstrate their communication skills and their passion – it brings them out of their shell and shows you how effective they are at communicating ideas to a layperson.

Another great question right now is to ask how they coped with the Covid-19 crisis, either at home or at work. We all had to make changes to our lives and routines – did they take it in their stride or did they find it hard to adjust quickly to new ways of living and working?

Additionally, aim to curate an interview environment which feels like a conversation rather than an interrogation – this will put candidates at ease and makes the interview experience more pleasant and productive for everyone involved.

6.    Candidate Aftercare

Ensure that you treat each candidate, even unsuccessful ones, as you would treat a customer, even after the interview process is over.

This is a great way of looking after your talent pipeline – candidates who are suitable but unsuccessful on this occasion will be inclined to apply again if they come out of the experience with a positive view of your company.

Respond to candidates in a timely manner – this goes for successful and unsuccessful candidates both during and after the interview process.

Encourage unsuccessful candidates to apply again, and you can even keep in touch on LinkedIn, where you can share information and updates about your business.

As for the successful candidate – congratulations on your new hire; now it’s time to get them onboarded successfully.


​If you are looking to hire HCM Consultants with SAP SuccessFactors or Workday HCM Cloud skills into your organisation and you need help attracting the right talent – we can help.

For more information on how we can help you recruit the high-performing individuals you need, get in touch with James Shenton on 01580 857179 or email us here.

Book a Call with James Shenton

Breaking the Menopause Taboo: Creating a Supportive Environment for Your Tech Employees

Breaking the Menopause Taboo: Creating a Supportive Environment for Your Tech Employees

Attracting, retaining, and empowering talented employees in today’s world requires business leaders to think about more than just buying the right technology or offering a competitive salary. There’s a growing focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, designed to ensure every employee can thrive in any workplace.

In recent years, many companies have begun investing more heavily in DEI initiatives, working with specialist recruiters to connect with talent from a range of industries and environments.

However, there’s still a portion of the growing workforce that’s often overlooked.

Though the government is encouraging people over the age of 50 to transition back into the workplace, many Technology organisations still don’t accommodate the needs of older employees. With age comes new challenges, one of the most common of which for women is menopause.

Approximately 75 to 80% of all women at menopausal age are still at work according to one study. Yet few organisations have specific policies and strategies in place to assist menopausal individuals in managing their symptoms, both physical and mental.

In an age of significant skill shortages and workplace transformation, companies can’t afford to overlook the benefits of making their environment welcoming and accessible to all employees, including those of menopausal age.

Menopause: What Every Manager Needs to Know

Menopause is a completely natural occurrence, which happens after a woman has her last period. Usually, it takes place between the ages of 45 and 55. However, some people will experience menopause earlier than most, as a result of surgery, medical conditions, and other factors.

Menopause and perimenopause symptoms can have a significant impact on a person’s life, influencing their mood, cognition, and overall wellness. Common issues like hot flashes, caused by a decrease in oestrogen levels, can prompt migraines, anxiety, irregular body temperature, and more. Around 75% of women experience physical issues during menopause.

Notably, while most studies and reports on menopause symptoms and experiences focus on women, it’s worth noting it can be a far more wide-ranging issue. Men can be affected by “male menopause”, known as andropause. Additionally, menopause can also influence the quality of life of non-binary, and trans, people.

Menopause Symptoms

While Menopause is a common and natural occurrence in many people’s lives, it’s also something still not fully understood in the scientific world. Every individual can experience the process differently. Some may treat symptoms with hormone replacement therapy, while others rely largely on lifestyle changes to ease discomfort.

The symptoms of this transition can influence people on both a physical and psychological level and common issues include:

  • Hot flashes or hot flushes
  • Irregular periods
  • Night sweats and insomnia
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Weight gain
  • Mood changes (anger, depression, and anxiety)
  • Joint stiffness and mobility issues
  • Memory problems or loss of concentration

In women, the decrease of oestrogen associated with the menopause can also lead to a higher risk of other health issues, including heart attacks, stroke, and osteoporosis.

How Can Menopause Impact an Employee’s Work?

Managers need to be aware of the issues linked to the menopause, because it can have a significant impact on a person’s performance in the workplace. Additionally, it’s worth noting the number of menopausal individuals in the workforce is growing. Currently, menopausal women are one of the fastest-growing workforce demographics in a recent UK government report.

Sometimes, menopause will have very little impact on a person, aside from the occasional hot flush or moment of “brain fog”. However, the transitional period can have a significant impact on a person’s productivity, concentration, and performance levels.

Employees experiencing menopause may be more withdrawn in the workplace or may feel embarrassed dealing with regular sweating and hot flushes around other staff members.

Studies have even found that one in 10 women have quit work completely because of menopause symptoms that became unbearable.

Side effects of menopause can also make it harder for employees to work safely in any environment. They may need more support than other employees from time to time, may struggle to focus during certain episodes, and could even need to make changes to their working environment.

What Can a Manager do to Support Menopausal Employees?

As a manager, you can take steps to make the workplace a more welcoming and comfortable place for individuals experiencing menopause. Making changes to your company culture, policies, and approach to dealing with menopausal staff can mean they’ll be more likely to stick with your business for longer.

1. Provide Guidance and Information

First, to truly support staff members going through the menopause, business leaders need to adjust their approach to discussing the topic. Many women don’t immediately recognise that they’re going through menopause, because it’s often something people don’t discuss.

Putting the information out there for employees to access, via a knowledgebase or intranet is an excellent way to educate and support your staff members. Ensuring employees know who they can talk to when they’re experiencing changes in their health can also make your workplace a more comfortable, and inclusive environment for every employee.

2. Train Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors should be able to offer support, empathy, and guidance to employees dealing with menopause symptoms. Business leaders can assist in making the workplace a more welcoming environment, by training managers to listen sensitively to employee issues and respond accordingly to requests.

Employers should train all team leaders to ensure they know how menopause can affect individuals in the workplace, and what support and guidance the organisation can offer. Managers and supervisors should also know how to deal with menopause issues sensitively and fairly. They should be able to work with each employee to customise their workflow to their needs.

3. Conduct Health and Safety Checks

Many people are unaware Menopause can impact the safety of employees in the workplace. By law, employers are responsible for preserving the health and safety of all of their staff – including those working from home. As such, business leaders should be prepared to conduct risk assessments of their staff’s workplace and working processes.

For staff going through menopause, it’s important to ensure symptoms aren’t worsened by work practices or the workplace itself. Risk assessments could include examining the temperature and ventilation of the workplace, the material of the employee’s uniform, and their access to toilets and suitable rest locations.

Risk and safety assessments should be regularly reviewed to ensure the workplace remains healthy and supportive for all employees.

4. Find Practical Solutions to Issues

Since all employees can experience menopause differently, the best way to address the issues each team member is facing is with a dedicated discussion. Managers and other business leaders should sit down with employees and discuss their most concerning symptoms. Together, they can come up with practical solutions to common problems.

For instance, it might be necessary to provide employees with new, more breathable uniforms to help with hot flushes or ensure they always have access to cold water and ventilation. For some staff members, it may be a good idea to consider more flexible working hours or remote and hybrid working strategies.

5. Develop Policies

To ensure staff feels fully supported, managers and business leaders should ensure policies are in place related to menopause. These policies should be shared throughout the entire organisation and be regularly reviewed and updated.

The policies you develop may vary, but they should highlight insights into how managers should deal with employees experiencing menopausal symptoms, and how they can offer support. The policies could also outline who will be responsible for ensuring the safety of employees dealing with menopausal symptoms.

Crucially, managers should also plan how to handle time-off requests, and absences caused by menopause. For instance, employees may need to adjust their hours from time to time to ensure they can go to appointments and get the right treatment for their symptoms.

6. Create Menopause and Wellbeing Champions

As demand for wellbeing in the workplace continues to grow, creating champions and individuals responsible for assisting others in protecting their physical and psychological health could be extremely helpful. Having a wellbeing champion at work, with in-depth knowledge of the menopause and its symptoms ensures staff has someone to reach out to when they’re encountering problems caused by menopause.

With support from these champions, employers, HR, and managers can run workshops to raise awareness, monitor health and safety risks, and even set up a support network for staff affected by the menopause transition.

How Can You Attract and Retain Valuable Talent?

Research in the current employment landscape indicates that menopausal symptoms have forced countless employees out of the workforce. People suffering from the menopause have delayed applying for promotions, and even avoided going back to work later in life.

In a skills-short Technology environment, creating a workplace that’s supportive and comfortable for people experiencing menopause can be extremely beneficial. It ensures business leaders can access a wider range of talented professionals, and improve their reputation.

Attracting and retaining valuable talent in the aging workforce will require business leaders to:

  • Rethink company policies: Allowing for flexible working, remote working, and other forms of employment will ensure menopausal individuals can manage their careers around their symptoms, without having to leave the workplace.
  • Improve company culture: A company culture that’s supportive, open, and inclusive will ensure every member of staff feels respected and cared for, regardless of their physical or psychological symptoms.
  • Listen to staff members: Employers and business leaders will need to listen more carefully to the issues staff members are facing during menopause, and look for new ways to improve their working experiences.

Working with a specialist Technology recruitment professional will also ensure business leaders can create job opportunities that are attractive to people from all backgrounds, and of all ages. A recruitment expert will ensure job descriptions and new opportunities are designed with the needs of menopausal employees in mind. They can also help to promote your company’s roles to a wider range of diverse individuals.

If you’re looking for help with your recruitment strategy, get in touch by calling James Shenton Managing Partner for Technology on 01580 857179 or send us an email here.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

To find out how we can help you find your next IT talent, get in touch with us on 01580 857179 or email us here.

7 Tips for Creating Success in Your New Tech Role

7 Tips for Creating Success in Your New Tech Role

You’ve been offered a new tech role – congratulations!

There are a few things to do now, firstly, to celebrate and inform your current employers of your resignation.

The second is to think about how you’re going to make a success of your new role.

You know you have the right skills, abilities and experience that your new employer is looking for, so you can relax on that front.

But still, starting a new job can be daunting. You want to prove to your manager and your new colleagues that you’ve got what it takes.

Thankfully, there are a few strategies you can implement from day one.

So here are 7 strategies for creating success in your new role.

1.    Knowing Where to Focus Your Efforts

Securing your new role is just the first step in this exciting new part of your career.

Although your recruitment company will have helped you find a role which perfectly matches your skills, abilities and aspirations, it is up to you to find out what is expected of you in your new role.

Think about:

  • Find out what your manager’s priorities are – and then find out how this relates to you. This might be covered in the onboarding process, but it will help to have defined short, medium and long-term goals to work towards.
  • What do you need to do every day in your day-to-day duties?
  • What is your manager’s style, and how are you going to develop a relationship with them?
  • What are your KPIs, and how will you be evaluated in your new role?

The more you can find out about where you fit into the businesses ultimate goals, the faster you will settle in and can start achieving.

2.    Demonstrating the Right Skills and Attitude

​You will have been hired for your IT skills, and it is time to put them to good use in your new role.

Think about is there anything you learned in your previous role that you could bring to your new organisation?

You must also demonstrate that you can work well with your new colleagues – and this might mean navigating a few different working styles and figuring out how your new team works and how they communicate.

The key things to remember here are:

  • Practice your communication skills and be patient with others – it takes time to form strong working relationships.
  • Be flexible – you might have a fixed opinion from your previous roles about how to undertake specific tasks, but now is the time to observe others and fit in with how your new team operates.
  • Be pro-active in problems solving – don’t be afraid to take on new challenges in your new role; it shows you are resilient and hard working.

3.    Forming Good Habits

​It is essential that you maintain professionalism in everything you do, and avoid getting into workplace gossip, even though it might seem like a good way to form initial bonds.

Focus on your results in the early stages of your role; don’t be afraid to ask your manager to clarify that you’re on the right path, but refrain from asking continually about things you aren’t sure of. Save up your questions and ask once a day. If you aren’t sure of what to do at any point, be proactive and find something to do – ask your new colleagues if they need help.

4.    Active Listening

​Active listening is different from the type of listening that most people demonstrate – that is, listening with the intent of responding, and not listening deeply to what it is the other person is saying.

You can learn a lot more when you focus intently on the things your new colleagues and manager say to you. You can absorb so much about the company, the people, your role and the industry when you actively listen.

So, never make assumptions – and actively listen to your peers; you might be surprised at how much you learn.

5.    Always Learning

​We can all be guilty of believing that we have nothing left to learn about a particular subject, especially if it’s a issue that you are very familiar with.

But the start of a new role should be a reminder than there is always more to learn.

Once you have your new role parameters and goals clearly in your mind, you can then look towards your ongoing development.

Speak to your manager about L&D and ask if there are any courses you can take or any in-house training extra to your onboarding that you can partake in.

Remember – every day is a school day!

6.    Deciding What to ‘Let Go’ Of

​Part of growing in your new role is in realising what you can let go of.

Success is not always about refining your skills and developing new ones; it can also be an opportunity to let go of old habits and mindsets that could be holding you back.

Learn when to say ‘no’; notice when you are more likely to procrastinate or become distracted, and finally, say goodbye to the fear of failure.

Starting a new role is a powerful thing, and it can be the opportunity to be the ‘you’ you have always wanted to be.

7.    30, 60 and 90 Day Plans

​And lastly, success will not happen on its own – is must be planned for.

The onboarding process in your new role should set the objectives of your position; however, the detail and specificity of onboarding programmes can vary between organisations.

So it is advised that you set yourself some 30, 60 and 90-day goals – even if they are just personal goals that you want to achieve in your new Role.

Achieving personal targets related to your new Role is a great way to boost your confidence and draw success towards you.

30, 60 and 90-plan have been proven time and again to be a really effective way of helping people achieve their goals.


​If you’re looking for your next opportunity and aren’t sure where to start your new job search, we can help.

We help IT candidates just like you find great new career opportunities. From CV help, and interview prep to careers advice and organising interviews for you.

I hope you found our blog, 7 Tips for Creating Success in Your New Tech Role, a useful guide.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

Get in contact with us on 01580 857179 or email us hereto find out how we can help you secure your next IT role.

How to Write a Tech CV That Will Get You Noticed by Employers

How to Write a Tech CV That Will Get You Noticed by Employers

The quality of your CV can mean the difference between being stuck in a role with no prospects or being offered a great new position.

Your CV is still the first thing clients ask for and will be the decider between getting an interview and being left out of the recruitment process.

The CV has been around for hundreds of years, and over time it has changed and evolved with the world of work.

As IT recruiters, we have seen the evolution of the CV, and today we are sharing some invaluable top tips to ensure you get on the radar of the best employers.

The Purpose of a CV for Employers

​Let’s start by thinking about what function your CV serves for employers.

For a start, we should point out that many employers are pushed for time, and they are looking for shortcuts in their recruitment process – they want it spelt out to them that you are the candidate they are looking for.

So to fit this requirement, your CV should be highly tailored to the employer or hiring manager that is looking after the recruitment process.

Aim to find out where possible exactly who to address your CV and cover letter to – this makes it stand out more than letters simply addressed ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ and tailor your CV and cover letter specifically to the company and the role you are applying for.

All too often, IT candidates send generic CVs or cover letters – these are usually the candidates who don’t get past the first round of the recruitment process.

In today’s competition-led job market, your CV needs to do the following:

  • Immediately capture the attention of the recruiter or employer
  • Illustrate how your skills and abilities clearly relate to the job description
  • Show how much of a culture fit you are to the organisation
  • Increase your chance of getting a first interview.

Your CV should be a succinct summary of why you are the ideal candidate for this role.

So let’s look at what makes the ideal IT CV.

Make Sure it’s Relevant

​Many people include skills, knowledge and experience on their CV that, although they might be proud of, it is not relevant to this company or role.

Remember the following tips when thinking about what to include in your CV:

  • Make sure your CV includes everything the job advert specifies.
  • Use similar terminology to that found in the job advert to strike a connection with the employer or hiring manager.
  • If there are any areas that you don’t have the required skills, address this by demonstrating your desire to learn, which you can back up with previous examples of learning a new skill for a previous role.

Keep your CV short, and to the point. The ideal length is two pages, but it can be longer if you have lots of relevant experience.

The following are what to include in your CV to make sure it ticks all the right boxes.

Sections to Include

​Remembering always to keep it relevant and avoid unnecessarily long explanations or details, structure your CV using these sections.

  • Personal details – make sure these are up to date, with your current address, professional email address and correct phone number.
  • Your personal statement – this can be a short couple of paragraphs at the top of your CV, which summarises in short why you have the skills and experience which make you an ideal candidate for this role.
  • Your work experience – include all of your relevant work experience, which demonstrates your ability to thrive in a similar role. Include the name of the organisation, the time you held the position for and your job title.
  • Achievements – give specific examples of your previous achievement, which will allow you to excel in the role you are applying for.
  • Education – only include educational achievements which are relevant to the job.

Finally, let’s look at some tips to remember to create an eye-catching CV.

IT CV Top Tips

​Even with the right relevant information, your CV will still need to perform in other ways to catch the attention of the hiring manager.

The following are our top tips to get your CV noticed:

  • Check and double-check that your contact details are up to date – have you changed your mobile number since you created your CV?
  • Use a professional email address without nicknames or slang in it – if you haven’t got one, create one.
  • Include a link to your LinkedIn profile – the hiring manager will probably look you up online anyway, you might as well direct them to where they can find your LinkedIn profile.
  • Don’t include a picture on your CV – it’s an outdated concept and adds no relevance to the recruitment process.
  • Run your CV through spell check before you print or send it. Also, have someone – a friend or a recruiter – to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Choose a font that looks good, but that is clear and easy to read. Make sure the font isn’t too large or too small. Don’t use lots of different sizes or styles of font – simple is best.
  • Avoid cliches such as ‘go-getter’, ‘think outside the box’ and ‘multi-tasker’ when describing yourself. If you are struggling writing your CV, you can call us on 01580 857179 or send us an email here.

Finally, let’s look at the importance of the cover letter to go with your CV.

Your Cover Letter

​We often get asked whether you should include a cover letter or not – our answer is always yes!

Your cover letter is another opportunity to show you’ve researched the business and made sure that you’re appropriate for the role. Within your cover letter, you can go beyond the skills and education outlined in your CV to show that you are familiar with the company and explain a little more about yourself and why you want to apply for their vacancy.


​Your CV is your chance to introduce yourself to a IT recruitment company or hiring manager in a meaningful way.

If you can show the person looking at your CV that you match the job description as closely as possible, then you’ll get the interview.

For more information on how we can help you craft your IT CV, as well as find new roles for you to apply to – get in touch with us today.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

You can call us on 01580 857179 or send us an email hereto discuss your CV and your next career move.

5 Steps To Crafting Your Standout Tech Sector CV

Crafting Your Standout Tech Sector CV

Even in a world where 91% of all employers now use social media as part of their hiring process, the CV/Resume is still one of the most important tools any candidate has.

It is the first thing most employers will look at before even thinking about inviting someone to an interview. It’s also your best chance to immediately introduce your education and experience. Used correctly, your CV/Resume can improve your chances of getting the ideal job.

Unfortunately, many Technology candidates struggle to convey the right information in their CV/Resume and cover letters. Some candidates are still using old-fashioned, outdated, or complicated formats which are not relevant to the jobs they apply for.

Here are the 5 steps you can follow to ensure your CV/Resume stands out to any hiring manager.

Step 1: Make it Relevant

One of the biggest mistakes Technology professionals make, is attempting to use their CV/Resume as a catch-all document for every potential role. However, this document is not just a list of your educational credentials and accomplishments. It is your opportunity to convince a hiring manager that you’re the right person for their specific position.

Remember, only around 2% of candidates make it to the job interview stage when they go it alone without the help of a specialist Technology recruitment company. Working with your consultant/recruiter to determine exactly what you should include on each CV/Resume will boost your chances of success.

Start by researching the company, and making a list of all the important traits, experiences, and characteristics they value. Your CV/Resume should be tailored to the specific job description for the role you’re applying for. If you know a company values innovation and intuition, use your CV/Resume to highlight how you have shown these traits in previous roles.

Step 2: Keep it Short and Sweet

Some studies suggest that up to 100 people will apply for any given role, which means even in a candidate-driven market, you’ll still have a lot of competition to go up against.

When sorting through countless applications, employers do not want to waste time on lengthy, complex CVs/Resumes. They are more likely to be attracted to applications that get straight to the point, highlighting the information an employer wants to know about their candidates.

With this in mind, edit your CV/Resume ruthlessly before you submit it. The best resumes are no more than two pages long, and some can be as short as a single page. Remove any information which might not be specific to a role or might be considered outdated. Additionally, make sure your most essential information is located towards the top of the page. Your core skills and experiences should not be hidden on page two but placed directly under your personal profile.

Step 3: List Accomplishments, Not Just Prior Roles

When sorting through applications for a job role, most Technology employers are not only looking for evidence you have experience in their industry. They want to see examples of your previous accomplishments and understand why your background is valuable to their organisation.

When you are listing your prior experiences on your CV/Resume, use concrete numbers, statistics, and clear information to demonstrate what you’ve done in the past. Do not just mention day-to-day job activities, tell your future employer a story about how you’ve evolved in your career.

For instance, if one of the core responsibilities of your new role will involve analysing data or conducting research, draw attention to how you did this in a previous role to boost a company’s efficiency by X% or reduce costs by X%.

Step 4: Get the Structure and Formatting Right

A complicated, confusing CV/Resume will automatically place your name at the bottom of the pile for potential hires. Make sure you get the structure and formatting right. Around 99% of companies now use automatic scanning technology to sort through CVs/resumes in search of specific keywords and phrases. This means you need to ensure you choose a file format that’s suitable for these tools.

It’s also worth structuring your CV/Resume in a way that helps draw attention to the most valuable information first. Here are some of the sections you should include:

  • Personal Details: Countless Technology recruitment companies receive CVs/Resumes that miss out key details like a name, email address, and contact number. These are crucial for ensuring a potential employer can reach out to you.
  • Personal statement: In your personal statement, highlight why you’re the ideal person for the specific role you’re applying for. Keep this section short and focus on things like previous accomplishments and experiences which make you right for the role.
  • Work experience: Highlight all of the relevant work experience which could demonstrate your ability to thrive in this specific role. Include the name of the organisation you worked for, and what you achieved during your time there.
  • Achievements: Outside of your work experience section, you can highlight other relevant achievements with quantifiable evidence. For instance, you might write about the time you managed a team when working for a charity and helped to increase donations by X%.
  • Education: Only list education relevant to the job. You don’t need to go all the way back to your first school credentials. Focus on the specific accreditations your employer is looking for. You can usually find requests for specific educational credentials on the job listing.

Step 5: Double-Check Before You Send

Even in a world filled with spell-checkers for your digital documents, it’s easy to make a mistake with your CV/Resume. Ensure you have the right country setting for your spell checker and take the time to read through your application a few times before you send it off.

Working with a recruitment consultant during this stage can be particularly helpful, as they can pinpoint any areas you might need to expand on to improve your chances of getting the role. While they won’t necessarily spell-check your CV/Resume for you, they can sometimes share some tips on how to make your application stand out.

It’s also worth double-checking the job listing to see if the company has any specific requests for how you submit the application. Some companies prefer files to be sent in a specific format. It’s important to show you can follow instructions carefully.

When you have carefully created your CV, send it through to us at Opus Resourcing and we’ll be in touch.

The Truth About Bad References in Tech: What You Need to Know When You Are Search For a New Role

The Truth About Bad References in Tech: What You Need to Know When You Are Search For a New Role

One of the most common ways an employer will assess a candidate’s character and learn more about their work ethic and suitability for the role is by examining references from previous employers.

A glowing reference can improve your chances of standing out from the competition when applying for a competitive role, demonstrating your most valuable skills and attributes, while at the same time confirming you are an employee that is capable of performing the role.

A bad reference, on the other hand, can instantly destroy your chances of getting your dream job, and make it almost impossible to find a new employer.

Unfortunately, giving a bad reference (or no reference at all) isn’t illegal in most parts of the world. Here’s everything you need to know about bad references in the Technology space.

Can an Employer Give You a Bad Reference?

Though a bad reference can severely harm your chances of being hired in the Technology industry, they’re not illegal. There are very few laws that prohibit an employer, co-worker, or anyone else you approach from sharing negative information about you. However, the exact rules and guidelines around references vary from one country to the next.

Legal Regulations in the UK

In the UK, an employer isn’t required to give a reference, unless they agree to do so in writing. If an employer chooses to share their thoughts on your attributes and work ethics, they are required to provide accurate insights, which are fair and legitimate.

While employers are allowed to share honest information about things like poor punctuality, whether you were fired, and whether you acted inappropriately, they are not permitted to add unfair or misleading information to a reference.

If you believe the statements made about you in a reference are false, you may be able to claim damages in court. Your employer will be required to back up the reference and show evidence of its accuracy.

Legal Regulations in the US

The legal regulations surrounding references in the USA are similar to those in the United Kingdom. However, it’s worth noting different states may impose their own rules on top of federal laws. On a federal level, all employers are required to give accurate, true, and fair insights into their employees when writing a reference. This means you can still challenge a reference if you believe it’s unfair or misleading.

Many states also regulate exactly what an employer can say about a previous employee. For instance, some states prohibit an employer from sharing personal information about a staff member without their consent. Some states have “service letter laws” which require employers to describe certain aspects of a team member’s employment, such as their work history, pay rates, or reasons for termination.

Legal Regulations in Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, employers will not breach any Commonwealth privacy laws by providing personal information in a reference that relates directly to an employee’s job. However, they are often required to ask for consent when sharing specific details.

Employers are required to carefully consider what information is appropriate to provide in a reference. Generally, employers aren’t permitted to disclose private information about their staff members, such as their medical history, due to Commonwealth privacy laws. However, the exact information an employee can share may vary based on state or region.

When Might A Technology Employer Give a Bad Reference?

In most parts of the world, employers are permitted to share negative comments about an employee if they’re relevant and fair. Most local and federal laws allow employers to comment on an employee’s conduct in the workplace, their performance, and other factors, such as poor attendance.

However, employers typically aren’t permitted to share defamatory comments based solely on their dislike of an employee, or another irrelevant factor.

Since employers have the freedom to discuss many factors relevant to a staff member’s employment during a reference, it’s crucial for employees to choose whom they ask for references from carefully. If you believe you didn’t perform according to the standards set by your employer during your time working for them, it might be best to forgo a reference.

Negative references not only damage your chances of getting the next role you apply for, but they can also have a long-standing impact on your professional brand. If word spreads about your negative attributes, you may struggle to take the next step in your career.

What to Do if You Receive a Bad Reference

Receiving a bad reference can be extremely detrimental to your future as an employee in the Technology sector. That’s why it’s so important to hold yourself to high standards when working in any environment, regardless of whether you’re planning on seeking out a new job or not.

If you’re given a bad reference by your previous employer:

  • Know your legal rights: While employers are permitted to share negative insights into an employee, they can only do so when their statement is fair and accurate. If you believe that whatever your employer has said about you in a reference is incorrect, obtain a copy of the reference, and consider seeking out legal advice.
  • Speak to your new employer: Talk to your would-be employer about the reference and challenge any aspects you believe to be unfair or unreasonable. If the reference is accurate, tackle the negative feedback head-on, and let your new employer know what influenced your performance previously, and how you plan on addressing these issues.
  • Talk to your former employer: Depending on your relationship with your current or former employer, it may be helpful to speak with them about the reference. Question the issues they raised and ask them whether there’s any chance they may be willing to change the reference. Apologising for any misconduct may help to resolve the issue amicably.
  • Assess other references: It may be possible to mitigate the impact of a bad reference by providing other, complementary references to your new employer. Look at statements you’ve received from other colleagues, co-workers, and employers in the past, and draw attention to these when connecting with your new employer.

You can also consider speaking to your recruitment company for some extra advice. They may be able to offer insights on how you can reduce the impact of a bad reference or seek out better commentaries from other people in your history. They can also help you to develop your professional brand, so you still make a positive impact on new employers.

I hope you find our blog The Truth About Bad References in Tech: What You Need to Know When You Are Search For a New Role a useful resource.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

To find out how we can help you find your next IT talent, get in touch with us on 01580 857179 or email us here.

The 6 Interview mistakes Technology candidates still make

The 6 Interview mistakes Technology candidates still make

​Interviews can be nerve-wracking at the best of times. If you’re applying for an amazing new job opportunity, the pressure to present yourself as a reputable, trustworthy, skilled and reliable individual can quickly get on top of you, no matter how confident you usually feel.

While most interviewers expect to see a few signs of nerves in candidates, making certain mistakes during this crucial conversation could mean you miss out on a fantastic role.

Whether you’re meeting with an employer through a video conference or participating in a face-to-face interview, it is key to be prepared.

So here are some of the most common interview mistakes you should always avoid. Use this guide to help prevent the The 6 Interview mistakes Technology candidates still make.

1. Not Being Prepared

Perhaps the biggest cardinal sin any Technology candidate can commit is failing to prepare fully for the interview. Before you go into your interview, you should always research the company thoroughly.

Take a closer look at the job description and ensure you know exactly what your employer is looking for, so you can prepare answers to interview questions that showcase the right competencies and characteristics. Examining the job description carefully will also help you determine whether the role is right for you.

Study the company’s website to get a feel for their culture, vision, and values, and try to incorporate these factors into your answers too. Check the company’s social media channels, and ask your Technology recruitment company for advice.

2. Dressing Inappropriately

Times have changed, though not that much, that dressing appropriately for an interview no longer matters. Most interviewers won’t give you a specific dress code to follow before you turn up for the conversation, so it’s up to you to use your common sense. If you’re unsure whether the company is generally more “laid back” about dress codes, dress professionally.

You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit for every interview, but you should focus on professional dress. This applies not just to face-to-face interviews but video interviews too. Hiring managers still expect to see professionally-presented candidates when they’re interacting over video.

Dressing properly will show your interviewer that you’re taking this interview seriously.

3. Talking About the Wrong Things

For a hiring manager in the Technology industry, an interview is a chance to get to know candidates better, evaluate their competency for the role, and determine whether they will fit the company’s existing culture well. The things you discuss in your interview should highlight why you’re a good fit for the position and business.

With this in mind, make sure you don’t start talking about the wrong things. Don’t immediately jump into a discussion about salary (you can ask about this later), and try not to get too caught up in small talk at the beginning of the interview, either.

Most importantly, never criticise former employers or colleagues. Talking negatively about a previous place of employment will make you look petty.

If you’re asked questions like “Tell me about a time that you didn’t work well with your manager”, don’t try to pin the issue entirely on them. Focus on the communication issues or other problems which contributed to the situation.

4. Not Being Punctual

A well-known quote says, ‘the way you do anything is the way you do everything.’

Therefore, an interview is the first opportunity to demonstrate how you ‘do’ things and what kind of employee you will be to your potential employer. Arriving late is never a good sign, as it shows you’re not well-organised, punctual, or good at time management – even if you have a valid excuse.

Ensure you’re going to arrive on time or early for your interview by planning your route and setting off early if you’re concerned you will be affected by traffic. If you’re taking part in a pre-screening interview over video or your interview is a video conference, make sure you check all of your software and hardware is working in advance.

When the interview begins, don’t rush off to grab your CV/resume and other resources before you can start talking. Show you’re well-prepared by having everything you need in front of you. If you can’t avoid being late, call your hiring manager to let them know what’s happening as soon as you’re aware you’re not going to arrive on time.

5.  Poor Body Language

Communication is up to 55% non-verbal. It’s not just what you say that your hiring manager will be paying attention to in an interview, but how you present yourself too. Slouching in your seat, constantly checking the time, or fidgeting all show your potential employer you’re distracted or uninterested in the role.

Before an interview, take a few deep breaths to focus. Concentrate on regularly making eye contact with the people you’re talking to, sitting straight, and maintaining confidence. Keep your hands in front of you on the table or in your lap, and never check your phone during a meeting.

If you’re worried about what your body language might be saying about you, it could be helpful to practice some “interview scenarios” with friends before you go for the actual meeting.

6. Not Listening Properly

Employers want their employees to be passionate, engaged, and attentive. With this in mind, you should always show your hiring manager that you’re listening carefully to every word they say. If you feel your attention slipping during a particularly long interview, make an extra effort to stay engaged. Lean forward slightly, make eye contact, and focus.

If you’re not sure whether you’ve understood a question correctly, ask your hiring manager about it. It’s okay to double-check that you know what they’re looking for when they query something. Just try not to ask your hiring manager to repeat themselves constantly.

A good way to show you’re actively listening is to rework the question into your answer. For instance, if someone asks you to “tell them about a situation where you acted as a leader”, you could say, “I think I showed my leadership qualities best during…”

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

If you’re looking for your next role in the Technology sector, call us on 01580 857179 or send us an email hereto discuss your CV.

Book a Call with James Shenton

5 Easy Ways to Build Your Confidence for Your Next Tech Interview

5 Easy Ways to Build Your Confidence for Your Next Tech Interview

Applying for a new role, and going through the recruitment process can be a daunting task for even the most experienced IT professional.

Interview nerves affect most people, but they can make the recruitment process more stressful than it needs to be for you, the candidate.

Your next job might be the start of something amazing – so naturally, you will want to impress the hiring manager.

If you are preparing for an upcoming interview, we have created this guide to help you boost your confidence to help land you your next role.

1.    Role Play Interview Practice

​We all know that preparation is the key to success – and anyone who has ever had a job interview will have been told to practice their answers beforehand.

But very few candidates ever actually go to the lengths of practising a role-play style interview with someone, and yet doing this can help you significantly.

Practising your answers while you are alone, or even writing down specific answers or themes are great ways to prepare – but nothing beats a real-life run-through beforehand.

So get someone, a friend or a family member, to act as the interviewer and get them to ask role-specific or general interview questions – be prepared for both – and practice giving your answers.

You will not know until you rehearse in this way that you might want to add something into one of your answers, or that you need some extra practice when talking about a specific subject.

2.    Boosting Your Confidence Before the Interview

​Immediately before the interview is when candidates are at their most nervous.

So it is during this time that the most crucial confidence-boosting techniques are needed.

The following are great simple tips to help you in the hour up to the interview. Find somewhere private, either in your car or a private hallway to take a few minutes to practice the following:

Picture yourself succeeding – visualisation techniques are shown to be effective at helping reduce nerves and focus the mind.

  • Breathing techniques – take slow, deep breaths to help calm any nervous jitters you may be having.
  • Say some positive affirmations to yourself – saying ‘I will succeed’, ‘I deserve this job’ and ‘I am going to be successful in this interview’ will help you foster a positive mindset, which can significantly improve your confidence.
  • Once you are in the interview, let’s look at how some simple body language techniques can help you relax and be your most confident self.

3.    Body Language During the Interview

​The way you hold yourself will make you feel more confident so that you are able to give a better interview, plus it will also signal to the interviewer that you are relaxed and professional.

First impressions count, so smile when you say hello.

Try not to perch nervously on the edge of your seat – sit all the way back in your chair, with a straight back, not slouching.

When you give your answers, talk with your hands as this will allow you to communicate your ideas more effectively. But also be careful with the way you use your hands – don’t gesticulate too wildly, and when you are listening rather than talking, try not to fidget or keep touching your hair or your face, which people tend to do when they are nervous.

Remember to carry on breathing deeply, and always say yes to a glass of water – you can take a sip to compose yourself before you give your answers, or if you need a moment to pause.

Make eye contact with the interviewer, but not too much. And finally – smile during the interview – you want to look like you are happy to be there!

4.    Be a Great Listener

​There will be time during the interview when the interviewer is asking the questions or explaining about the company. During these times, remember to employ excellent listening skills.

An interview is about listening as much as it is about talking.

Nod when the interviewer is speaking and always make sure they have finished before you give your answer.

The interviewer will be looking for someone they can guarantee will get on with the rest of the team – so an overconfident candidate who spends the entire interview singing their own praises can be a turn-off.

Remember that not every answer you give has to be perfect – but listen to what the interviewer is asking, and you can always ask them to repeat themselves or clarify if you aren’t sure what they meant.

Interviewers are human, and they don’t always give perfect interview questions.

5.    Look to Connect, Not Impress

​And finally, a great tip to boost your confidence is to not think about the interview as an interview – but a conversation.

Aim to connect with the interview, not to flat-out impress them with everything you say.

Building rapport with an interviewer is a great way to be a memorable candidate, and striking a meaningful conversation rather than stressing while trying to appear superhuman will allow you to naturally ease into the interview and will make the whole experience much more enjoyable.

Confidence is about being honest and transparent; it is obvious when someone is trying to be somebody they’re not.


​Are you preparing for an upcoming interview? Or maybe you’re not quite there yet, and you’re still looking for a new IT role.

If so, we can help.

We’re specialist IT recruiters, and we can help you will all aspects of your new job search, from CV help to arranging interviews, and of course – helping you prepare for your all-important interview.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

To find out how we can help you in your new job search – get in touch with us on 01580 857179 or email us here.

The 5 Warning Signs your Tech Talent is Considering a New Role

The 5 Warning Signs your Tech Talent is Considering a New Role​

Finding the ideal talent for your Technology team is the first stage of building a successful business. Once you’ve attracted top-performing candidates to your workforce, you must also ensure you’re taking steps to keep them around.

In this blog, we examine how to retain tech talent and highlight the 5 Warning Signs that your Tech Talent is Considering a New Role.

In today’s skill-short landscape, employees have endless opportunities to switch employers and businesses whenever they’re unsatisfied with their current employment. That means learning how to retain your top talent is more important than ever.

Staff members can choose to leave a business for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they feel they’re not getting enough satisfaction from their role, or they lose interest in the company’s vision for the future.

Other times, employees may feel they don’t thrive in their current position due to issues with colleagues or managers.

While the cost of replacing a lost employee can be significant, it’s worth remembering that anywhere up to 75% of turnover can be avoided.

That is why it is critical to recognise the signs that your employee might be looking elsewhere. So in this post, we are going to share several signs to consider.

1. They’re Avoiding Long-Term Projects and Growth

When an employee decides they no longer want to work with a company, they often begin to reduce their involvement in long-term projects and strategies for development or growth. They stop envisioning a “future” with the business, which means they generally spend more of their time on short-term tasks and simply “checking boxes” on their to-do list.

When an employee who previously volunteered for various challenging projects no longer raises their hand in meetings or delegates long-term work to other employees. In that case, this could signify they’re not planning on being around for long.

Pay close attention to whether your staff members still invest in their future with the company by agreeing to learning and development opportunities or discussing goals during one-on-one meetings. If your employees no longer see a future with you, change their perspective by offering them insights into progression opportunities, they might miss out on if they leave.

2. They Show Visible Signs of Stress

The World Health Organisation says “burnout” is a significant occupational phenomenon that has increased drastically in recent years. Burned-out and overwhelmed employees disengage from the workplace, show clear signs of exhaustion, and often look for alternative work opportunities. With this in mind, tracking your employee’s mental and physical health is important.

Pay attention to signs of exhaustion, like the heavy reliance on caffeine, yawning, or even a slower-than-usual pace in your team member’s workflow.

The attitude of your employee might begin to change too. They may appear to be overwhelmingly negative towards other colleagues or attempt to isolate themselves from their peers, taking part in meetings less than usual. In some cases, they could even become more argumentative or aggressive. If you notice signs of burnout, speak to your staff member about how you can help them manage their workload.

3. They’re Not as Creative or Intuitive as Usual

When employees decide to leave a business, they stop actively contributing to its growth. You may notice some of your top performers who used to share ideas for development in previous meetings are now quieter when you’re asking for suggestions or advice.

Rather than trying to solve problems with out-of-the-box ideas and collaboration, your team members may simply pass difficult tasks onto other employees. They could stop taking the initiative with their work and may focus on doing just the “bare minimum” to get by.

An employee who’s occasionally quiet during business meetings isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm. However, if your team member seems to have lost their passion for helping the company grow, they may no longer feel inspired by your company’s mission or values.

A good way to address this issue is to give your team members regular feedback and let them know how much you value their input. Employees are more likely to contribute when they feel recognised and rewarded for their hard work.

4. They Focus More on External Networking

Networking is important in building a thriving career as a Technology professional. It’s not unusual for dedicated employees to visit industry events and connect with other experts on social media. However, there may be a problem if your team members focus more on external networking than on building internal relationships.

If you notice your team members are disconnecting from their internal peers, failing to attend meetings, or spending less time chatting with colleagues, check out their external networking efforts. If they’re heavily invested in adding new connections on LinkedIn and improving their personal brand, this could be a sign they’re looking for a way to branch into new opportunities.

There are a few ways managers and supervisors can tackle this issue. Preventing staff from building external connections isn’t an option, but you can encourage your team to bond with their colleagues through team-building exercises and more consistent internal communication.

5. Their Performance Begins to Suffer

For an employee to thrive in their role, they need to do a lot more than just show up and follow the instructions given by a manager. The best staff members are constantly pushing themselves to be their best. However, if your employee is disengaged and disinterested in their work, you may begin to notice performance issues.

You might be able to notice more errors in their work, which they never used to make before. Or perhaps your customers are providing negative feedback concerning a specific employee’s behaviour. Other colleagues may even complain that one team member is no longer pulling their weight around the office.

If your staff member is no longer reaching their targets or making the right amount of effort, the first step shouldn’t always be to engage in disciplinary action. Speak to your team member and discover what’s happening behind the scenes.

Don’t Lose Your Top Performing Tech Employees

In today’s changing Technology landscape, issues like disengagement, burnout, and even “quiet quitting” are becoming increasingly common. Fortunately, if you can recognise these signs ahead of time, there are still things you can do to re-ignite your staff’s passion for your company and prevent them from seeking other employment options.

Pay attention to your top performers, and make sure you’re not actively pushing them away.

We hope you found our blog insightful on The 5 Warning Signs your Tech Talent is Considering a New Role.​

If you’re looking for help with your recruitment strategy, get in touch by calling James Shenton Managing Partner for Technology on 01580 857179 or send us an email here.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.

Book a Call with James Shenton

5 Signs You’re Working in a Toxic Workplace

5 Signs You’re Working in a Toxic Workplace

Employees thrive in healthy working environments. If a workplace is supportive, collaborative, and engaging, team members are more likely to be more productive and happier in their roles.

Unfortunately, not all workplaces are naturally nurturing. In fact, Business Insider shared that around 1 out of 9 of US employees, today define their workplace as a “toxic” environment. In other words, they believe the company culture, management style, and overall structure of their working environment, are damaging their productivity, performance, and even their wellbeing.

Toxic workplaces gradually grind workers down with passive-aggressive behaviour, poor communication, and problematic leadership. Eventually, you might find you’re no longer prospering professionally, simply because your workplace doesn’t allow you to thrive.

Today, we’re going to be pinpointing some of the clear signs of a toxic workplace for Technology team members and offering ideas on how to handle a harmful environment.

The 5 Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

Symptoms of toxicity in a Technology workplace can vary depending on a number of factors. Some people feel their workplace is toxic when their boundaries aren’t respected, or when they’re unable to progress or develop in their roles. Others struggle with workplace toxicity in the form of exclusionary behaviour and bullying.

Ultimately, any environment which makes it difficult for you to perform your best work, harms your mental health or conflicts with your boundaries, can be toxic. Here are some of the most significant signs of workplace toxicity to look out for.

1. Poor Communication

According to Salesforce, business leaders believe around 86% of workplace issues are caused by ineffective communication and collaboration. In any organisation, excellent communication is crucial to keeping everyone aligned, synchronised, and working towards the same goals.

Unfortunately, there are many factors that can damage communication in the workplace. Employers may hire employees with different communication styles, then fail to provide each team member with the tools they need to connect, such as video, audio, and messaging software.

Poor communication can arise when certain employees use a lot of jargon in their language, making it difficult for other people to understand their meaning. Issues can even occur when companies fail to prioritise good listening skills and consistent respect between employees.

Watch out for issues like a lack of transparency in the workplace, passive-aggressive communication, or missing clarity in conversations.

2. Lack of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion have become some of the most important considerations for any workplace in recent years. Increasingly, the most talented people in the Technology landscape are looking to work in inclusive, comfortable, and welcoming environments.

Inclusive environments reduce stress and help employees to develop stronger connections with their colleagues. However, there are still many workplaces that can suffer from issues with exclusionary behaviour. When companies fail to invest in building bonds between different departmental teams and personalities, cliques can form.

These cliques can cause some employees to feel isolated from the business, and can even damage the flow of knowledge and information, creating a more secretive, gossipy workforce. While employees can avoid gossip and rumour mills as much as possible, an exclusionary workforce can quickly lead to issues with stress, anxiety, and burnout.

3. Problematic Leadership

There’s a common saying in the recruitment landscape that people don’t actually leave bad jobs – they leave bad leaders. The reality is there are numerous reasons why talented professionals might choose to seek out opportunities elsewhere. However, a bad leader or manager can certainly increase the risk of turnover. Poor leadership in any environment increases the risk of workplace conflict, harms productivity, and creates frustration among employees.

Notably, there are many different types of “bad bosses”. Some leaders are ineffective because they’re passive-aggressive, play favourites with certain members of staff, or spend too much time micro-managing their employees. Other bosses are problematic simply because they forget to invest enough time into providing feedback and guidance for their team members.

Ultimately, if you feel your manager isn’t helping you to excel in your role, or may even be stopping you from reaching your full potential, this is a good sign your workplace is either already toxic or it’s about to become a more significant issue.

4. Lack of Development Opportunities

As mentioned above, a toxic workplace can come in many different forms. Sometimes, an environment is problematic not because it’s full of bullies, or poor communication techniques, but because it’s not giving you room to develop and grow.

Every role you take in the Technology landscape should be helping to nurture your skills, develop your expertise, and drive you closer to your career goals. If your workplace doesn’t invest in your growth, training, or education, it’s basically leaving your talent to stagnate.

As the world continues to evolve at an incredible rate, any professional who isn’t moving forward isn’t just standing still- they’re falling behind. A workplace that fails to invest in upskilling, reskilling, and developing its employees will quickly begin to suffer from a lack of motivation and increased turnover. If your company isn’t investing in your growth, it might be time to start looking for an alternative employer who will.

5. Increasing Symptoms of Burnout

According to the APA, instances of workplace burnout have been on the rise since 2020. Today’s Technology employees are taking on countless new challenges each day, learning how to accommodate new working schedules, embrace new tools, and deal with countless other issues. It’s little wonder many of us are starting to feel overwhelmed.

In an ideal business environment, employees and employers should be working together to tackle and eradicate burnout as much as possible. Staff members should feel comfortable asking for help and discussing options with business leaders and supervisors. At the same time, bosses should be on the lookout for signs of burnout in their team, so they can act fast to address issues.

While initial signs of burnout don’t necessarily mean a workplace is toxic, worsening symptoms indicate the business leaders aren’t taking enough steps to look after their staff.

If you notice your colleagues taking more sick days than normal, withdrawing from meetings, or complaining of poor health, this could be a sign burnout is on the rampage.

How to Deal with a Toxic Workplace

Toxic workplaces can occur in any industry. Even employers who were previously empathetic and supportive can overlook emerging signs of toxicity after a while. In some cases, you might be able to turn your working environment around, by speaking to your bosses, finding ways to cut down stress, and suggesting ways to enhance company culture.

However, if your suggestions go unnoticed, and the toxicity in your workplace continues to increase, the best option may be to start looking elsewhere. Working with a specialist Technology recruiter to find a role in a company with a culture that will help you thrive, and flourish ensures you can continue moving forward, toward your professional goals.

After all, we can all encounter toxic workplaces during our careers. The key to success is ensuring a bad workplace doesn’t poison your professional future.

Opus Resourcing recruits world-class SaaS, technology, commercial and executive talent for companies ranging from seed-stage start-ups to Fortune 500 companies within the UK, Europe, and the US.